SCIENCE 1 x 60'
target zero: preventing hiv transmission
Target Zero is an animation/documentary hybrid series that focuses on the importance of compassionate care of HIV-positive patients, providing an understanding of diseases and medications at the molecular level and the rationale for patient compliance to HIV drug regimens.
1 x 60'
Production Company
MedCine LLC
Episode Information
Target Zero is an animation/documentary hybrid series that focuses on the importance of compassionate care of HIV-positive patients, providing an understanding of diseases and medications at the molecular level and the rationale for patient compliance to HIV drug regimens. The film tells character-based stories, two of which focus on pregnant women. One patient story shows a compliant patient who is successfully treated and gives birth to an HIV-negative baby. It also shows how a uninformed provider led her to believe her first child would be born HIV-positive, and the importance of providers staying informed. Another patient story shows how treatment of HIV-positive patients can have several varied psychosocial complications that require vigilance and compassionate care. It shows the importance of working with a team of RNs, home health care nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, and pharmacists to support the patient to deliver a healthy, HIV-negative We also show the story of several young men who are hoping to prevent contracting the HIV virus and the value of compassionate and non-judgmental care. This story touches on the long journey from AIDS as a "death sentence," to understanding the molecular structure of the virus without having successful treatment, to teams of researchers, doctors, scientists and drug companies working together to create successful drugs, and finally prevention.